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Sandrina Pereira

Front End Developer
UX UI Designer

Practice - Projects

Carolina Machado

Carolina Machado

Web Development & Tumblr Design _v2

02 Apr 2016

After 6 months, Carolina Machado presented her collection for the second time in ModaLisboa - Lisboa Fashion. So I decided to give an upgrade to this website as well as adding some CMS, to make the content dynamic (and of course more easier for her to update it). I chose Tumblr to rebuild the website, and now all the navigation is through Ajax. This way I could have almost full control over the Tumblr standart API and improve the User Experience.

Web Design & Development _v1

08 Oct 2015

This was born Against The Clock. My partner in crime asked me to build a website that could show her Fashion Design stuff before Lisbon Fashion Week Moda Lisboa - The Timers in which she participated. She asked me for it 3 months before the event. "Something simple and minimal", she said. I did it in the night before the event. I designed it, coded it responsive and put it online in 6 hours. It was crazy. But I loved it.
Prologue: Of course I spend the next days fixing minor bugs. No one noticed it x)

launch website
Learning Health

Learning Health

Web Design & Web Development

Jan 2016

Do you know that kind of 90's website with big painful Forms and Tables without any sense of design? Well, I was asked to redesign and rebuild some of those pages from scratch. It was really funny to have a deeper knowledge about Form Validations (Front End) and Responsive Tables. I did the Design, HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript part. It was a great opportunity to start learning Ajax with the Back End team. A big thanks to Raul Tavares.

online soon
Pistol Shrimp

Pistol Shrimp

Web Design & Development

Apr - Jun 2015

Final Degree project in Communication Design. Website of an online record label that distributes music for free. In each release the record label creates an interactive experience, enhancing the download, so there is more to it than just a click. The website presents itself with a black and white visual by focusing on the user experience. My part was focused on coding HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. This was a group project made with Lusco, BLEID and Margarida Botelho.

launch website

Please, use FireFox for a better experience. No, Chrome isn't the best this time.

Bonus: coming soon

Bonus: presentation

Bonus: invitation
Movie Moon


Web Design & Development

Feb - Mar 2015

Hope you know the movie Moon (2001) by Duncan Jones. I did the website to try new stuff I was learning about Javascript and JQuery. The main focus of the website was not about how the film was made but the story and experience that the character lives along the narration. For this, the user’s interaction was fundamental on creating the website.

launch website
Old Portfolio

First Portfolio

Web Design & Development

Nov - Dec 2014

This was the first website that I built from scratch. There I show some of my best works that I had at the time. Back then I already had some skills on HTML5 and CSS3. I had my first approach with SASS and developing knowledges about Javascript and jQuery. Since then I always use SCSS.

launch website
App Lisbon Metro

App Lisbon Metro

App Design, Concept Art

May - Jun 2015

Mockup of a mobile app that works as a Carris pass, where is possible to buy tickets, check schedules, maps and also contains a travelling archive. Prototype developed in Illustrator, Photoshop and Marvel. This was an individual project.

see more
dutch experimental typography

Dutch Experimental Typography

App Design, Digital Magazine

Mar - Apr 2014

"Dutch Experimental Typography” is a digital catalogue of typography, developed from the 70’s throughout the 90’s in the Netherlands. This app includes an interactive cover that the user can play with. It was developed using Mag+ Software with InDesign. This was a group project made with Margarida Botelho.

see more

Theory - Knowledge

Web Development

  • HTML5
  • CSS3 (always SCSS)
  • javascript
  • jQuery
  • Basic sintax PHP
  • Attention to SEO

UX UI Design

  • app web design
  • dynamic design
  • rich animation effects
  • interactive design


  • CodeSchool
  • Code Pen
  • PC Gamer
  • Chess


  • Ambition
  • Effort
  • Innovation
  • Perfectionism


  • Atom

  • Koala

  • MAMP

  • Sketch

  • Photoshop

  • Illustrator

  • InDesign

  • After Effects

  • Blender

  • Principle

Background - Curriculum and Contact


Place Of Birth Genève, Switzerland
Nacionality Portuguese
Address Lisbon, Portugal


Front End Developer
and Web Designer
Zaask Start-up
Postgraduate Studies Digital Experience Design Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Lisbon
Mar 2016
Online Course Ajax lvl 4/6 codeschool.com
Jan 2016
Front End Developer
and Web Designer
Learning Health Freelancer Project
Aug - Sep 2015
UX UI Designer GetPure Start-up
JUL 2015
Online Course jQuery lvl 1/2
javascript lvl 2/4
May 2015
Contest Graphic Design Finalist Galp Create 2015
2014 - 15
Erasmus Comunication Design Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Porto
2012 - 15
Degree Comunication Design Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Lisbon
Learning something new Your Idea Feel free to contact me. Maybe I'll have time for your project :)